200+ Questions and Answers and References Updated frequently, 2 Mock Exams.
The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Examination Prep Pro App helps you prepare and train for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam with mock exams and various questions and answers.
Use it to study anytime, anywhere from your phone, tablet, computer.
- 2 Mock exams
- 200+ Questions and Answers updated frequently.
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- Quizzes with score tracking, progress bar, countdown timer and highest score savings.
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- CLF-C01 compatible
- AWS CCP Training
- AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud
- Resource info page.
- Practice from your mobile device with an intuitive interface.
The questions and Answers are divided into 4 categories: Technology, Security and Compliance, Cloud Concepts, Billing and Pricing.
The quizzes and mock exams cover the following topics: VPC, S3, DynamoDB, EC2, ECS, Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Code Pipeline, Code Deploy, TCO Calculator, SES, EBS, ELB, AWS Autoscaling , RDS, Aurora, Route 53, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon Bracket, AWS Billing and Pricing, Simply Monthly Calculator, cost calculator, Ec2 pricing on-demand, AWS Pricing, Pay As You Go, No Upfront Cost, Cost Explorer, AWS Organizations, Consolidated billing, Instance Scheduler, on-demand instances, Reserved instances, Spot Instances, CloudFront, Workspace, S3 storage classes, Regions, Availability Zones, Placement Groups, Amazon lightsail, Amazon Redshift, EC2 G4ad instances, EMR, DAAS, PAAS, IAAS, SAAS, Machine Learning, Key Pairs, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon Macie, Amazon Textract, Glacier Deep Archive, 99.999999999% durability, AWS Codestar, Amazon Neptune, S3 Bucket, EMR, SNS, Desktop As A Service, Emazon EC2 for Mac, Aurora Postgres SQL, Kubernetes, Containers, Infrastructure As A Service, Software As A Service, Platform As A Service, Cluster, etc...
The resources section covers the following areas: AWS training info, Cloud Technology, CCP newest version infos, cloud practitioner exam preparation tips, CLF-C01 infos, AWS cloud practitioner white papers links, CCP exam guide info, AWS CCP study guide, AWS CCP jobs info, ...
Abilities Validated by the Certification:
Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructure
Describe basic AWS Cloud architectural principles
Describe the AWS Cloud value proposition
Describe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases
Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model
Define the billing, account management, and pricing models
Identify sources of documentation or technical assistance
Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud
After successfully taking all mock exams and quizzes in this app, you should be able to:
Explain the value of the AWS Cloud.
Understand and explain the AWS shared responsibility model.
Understand AWS Cloud security best practices.
Understand AWS Cloud costs, economics, and billing practices.
Describe and position the core AWS services, including compute, network, databases, and storage.
Identify AWS services for common use cases.
Note and disclaimer: We are not affiliated with AWS or Amazon or Microsoft or Google. The questions are put together based on the certification study guide and materials available online. The questions in this app should help you pass the exam but it is not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any exam you did not pass.
Important: To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers in this app. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.
AWS认证的Cloud Practitioner Examination Prep Pro App可通过模拟考试以及各种问题和答案来帮助您准备和培训AWS认证的Cloud Practitioner Exam。
-AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud
测验和模拟考试涵盖以下主题:VPC,S3,DynamoDB,EC2,ECS,Lambda,API网关,CloudWatch,CloudTrail,代码管道,代码部署,TCO计算器,SES,EBS,ELB,AWS Autoscaling,RDS,Aurora ,Route 53,Amazon CodeGuru,Amazon Bracket,AWS计费和定价,Simply月度计算器,成本计算器,按需Ec2定价,AWS定价,即付即用,无前期成本,成本浏览器,AWS组织,合并账单,实例调度程序,按需实例,预留实例,竞价型实例,CloudFront,Workspace,S3存储类,区域,可用区,放置组,Amazon lightail,Amazon Redshift,EC2 G4ad实例,EMR,DAAS,PAAS,IAAS,SAAS,计算机学习,密钥对,AWS CloudFormation,Amazon Macie,Amazon Textract,Glacier Deep Archive,99.999999999%的耐久性,AWS Codestar,Amazon Neptune,S3 Bucket,EMR,SNS,桌面即服务,适用于Mac的Emazon EC2,Aurora Postgres SQL,Kubernetes ,集装箱,基础设施即服务e,软件即服务,平台即服务,集群等...
资源部分涵盖以下领域:AWS培训信息,Cloud Technology,CCP最新版本信息,云从业人员考试准备技巧,CLF-C01信息,AWS云从业人员白皮书链接,CCP考试指南信息,AWS CCP学习指南,AWS CCP职位信息,...
定义什么是AWS Cloud和基本的全球基础架构
描述基本的AWS Cloud架构原则
描述AWS Cloud价值主张
描述在AWS Cloud中部署和操作的基本/核心特征
了解AWS Cloud安全最佳实践。
了解AWS Cloud的成本,经济性和计费惯例。